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Third anal TWAT Pink Dress Run - Archive
Saturday, June 12, 2010
We ran for Breasts (Cancer Research) again!

Start: June Rowlands Park, @ Davisville and Mt. Pleasant (same as last year).
Time: 2:00 PM Sharp!! Get there early to socialize and compare outfits.
     If you want to show up early and have a beer, Aristotle and McGregor’s on Mt Pleasant (525), N. of Davisville will be open at noon and Joe will be very happy to see you. This will be cash and carry but I know some of you need to get a little pissed up before running around in pink.
Hares: Cougar, Sex Toy, Venta
On In: 485 Balliol St. Do not show up at the On-In during the run - it will be locked tight and the burglar alarm set!!
Bag Wagon: There will be a bag wagon to take your crap from the start to the On-In.

Your $40 Rego Covered

  • Great trail
  • TWAT's 133rd Run
  • Beer
  • Dinner
  • More Beer - until the cash runs out...
  • Lame Haberdashery
  • Donation made to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
               Yay - Keeping the boobs happy!

    RSVP: Please RSVP to Sex Toy, Cougar or on Hashspace and give your cash to Cougar, Sex Toy, or Venta at the hash nearest you or send cheques: Attn: Heather Edwards, 485 Balliol St, Toronto, ON, M4S 1E1.

  • Who said they were Cumming
    as of 2010/06/11

    1. Venta - Hogtown
    2. Zephyr - Hogtown
    3. Back Door Buzz - Hogtown
    4. Sex Toy - Hogtown
    5. Cougar - Hogtown
    6. Puddles - Halifax
    7. Anne of Green Pussies - PEI
    8. Just Becky - Halifax
    9. Just Becky's friend #1 - Halifax
    10. Just Becky's friend #2 - Halifax
    11. Wet Spot - Hogtown
    12. Mount Me in the Mud - Buffalo
    13. Donkey Ho Te - Pittsburgh
    14. Cherry Trooper - Flour City (Rochester)
    15. New Shoez - Hogtown

    16. Clapp Dancer - Hogtown
    17. EZ Bush - Hogtown
    18. Nadia Cummaneatme - Hogtown
    19. FLAB - Hogtown
    20. Pissin Hole - Hogtown
    21. Ra - Hogtown
    22. Ball me from Behind - Buffalo/Flour City
    23. Dapper Sapper - Hogtown
    24. Double Header - Hogtown
    25. I need A - Forest City (London)
    26. Wet 'n Dirty - Hogtown
    27. Mouthful of Girlfriend - Buffalo
    28. H2Ho - Hogtown
    29. Wine Ho - Hogtown
    30. MoonMan - Hogtown

    31. Shampoo - Hogtown
    32. Ultimate Asshole - Hogtown
    33. Johnny Cockring - Hogtown
    34. DooHickey - Hogtown
    35. Haipoo Guy - Hogtown
    36. BraveArse - Beijing Full Moon
    37. Squeak Me Clean - Hogtown
    38. Giggles - Hogtown
    39. Rub-A-Dub - Hogtown
    40. Wet Pussy - Hogtown
    41. More Head - Hogtown
    42. Just Becky's friend #2 - Halifax
    43. Flashr - New Zealand
    44. Self Promotion - New Zealand
    45. Flyer - Hogtown

    It's nice to celebrate the TWAT

    Last year we provided beer, great trail, beer, dinner, lame haberdashey, and a great party with beer.
  • 2nd Anal Pink Dress Run - Archive
  • What Happened on the very First Pink Dress Hash
    We may very well do the same again this year!

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